By Emma Karanastasi
Legal Requirements
'the small print'

Required paperwork for a civil wedding ceremony in Kos
*FULL birth certificate for both parties (shortened versions not accepted – must bear parents’ name and address at time of birth)
* Certificate of Non Impediment to Marriage – this certifies that both parties are free to marry and can be obtained from your local register office (a.k.a. posting your bans) Please note; this can not be issued more than 3 months in advance of the wedding date. Please make your appointment at your register office in good time
* Decree Absolute – if either of the parties are divorced, a certified copy of the decree must be obtained and must be verified by a solicitor, bearing the company stamp of the certifying solicitor as well as their printed full name, date and signature in wet ink.
* Death Certificate – if either party has has been widowed, a death certificate must be produced.
* Deed Poll Certificate – if either party has changed his/her name by deed poll, written proof must be obtained, and must be verified by a solicitor, bearing the company stamp of the certifying solicitor as well as their printed full name, date and signature in wet ink. Self-declared deed poll certificates are not accepted by the Foreign Office and will not be stamped with the required Hague Apostille.
* Adoption Certificate – if either party has been adopted
We strongly suggest you obtain certified copies of your birth certificates, as they are retained in Kos Town Hall for archive purposes.
All of the above documents (where applicable) must be legalised (all originals or certified copies– no photocopies) with The Hague Apostile Seal by the Legalisation Office. (go to to order the amount of documents you wish to have legalised). At present, the UK government charge £45 per document for this service.
Once legalised, all documents must be translated by an approved translator. Weddings In Kos offers a fast, convenient and professional translations service, for our own clients as well as those who are marrying on the island through another wedding planning company or tour operator.
NB if you are from a country other than the UK, please seek the advice of your native embassy, or contact Weddings In Kos for advice.